Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sistah Souljah

Before we begin reading Sister Souljah's No Disrespect, we need to spend some time getting to know the author.  Below you will find the bio that is on her website  You will have to visit the site periodically.  For now, read the bio and post you reflection, comment or question as it relates to what you have read.  


Sister Souljah
Status: Married - 22 Years
Wife, Mother, Educator, Author, Speaker, Institution Builder, Thinker, Advisor!

Born in the Bronx, New York and raised in the projects, Souljah is a fighter who came up from the bottom. A graduate of Rutgers University, she earned a degree in American History and African Studies. She also attended the Cornell University Advanced Placement Studies, and studied abroad in Europe at the University of Salamanca.

A global student, Sister Souljah traveled throughout her college years to England, France, Spain, Portugal, Finland, and Russia. Her academic accomplishments were reinforced with first hand experiences.  She worked to build a medical center for families in Bindura, Zimbabwe. She worked with refugee children from Mozambique. A major participant in  the international student anti-aparthied  movement, she helped to create a momentum, movement and fervor which liberated Nelson Mandela and brought about the divestment of millions of dollars from corporations doing business with apartheid South Africa. Her travels in Africa also included Zambia and South Africa. She believes it is essential that African professionals work together, invest in and help to save, shape and further develop our continent, resources, families, and children.

As a student activist in America, Souljah created, financed, and implemented the African Youth Survival Camp, a six week summer sleep away academic/cultural camp for 200 children of homeless families. With a skillful curriculum, which she designed, this camp ran for over 3 consecutive years and inspired major celebrities to start their own camps and schools, and to build charities and institutions to give back.

As a community activist, Souljah organized against racially motivated crimes, police brutality, and the miseducation of urban youth. She produced and promoted several outdoor rallies and concerts, in Harlem NY, which drew nearly 30,000 youth each time, as well as the participation of top Hip-Hop and R&B celebrities.

In the field of entertainment, Souljah has been on many platforms including radio and television. Before the political shutdown and attack on American 1st amendment rights, she was the young voice in NY radio that spoke to the hip-hop audience about politics, culture, business, and social organization. This includes being a featured speaker at the Million Woman March, appearances on Oprah Winfrey, Larry King Live, and the cover of Newsweek Magazine. As a Hip-Hop artist, Souljah's CD entitled "360 degrees of Power," sparked international debate over issues of race, culture, sexism, and politics. Additionally, the entire world awaits the release of her first film, The Coldest Winter Ever.

Today, Souljah is a 21st Century multidimensional woman. From 1995-2007 she was the Executive Director of Daddy's House Social Programs, the charitable wing of Bad Boy Entertainment. At Daddy's House Sister Souljah created cultural and academic programs which were offered to urban youth and housed at Columbia University. Souljah also created, designed and directed summer sleep away camps and international youth travel groups which have had a powerful impact on many youth in America.  She is the author of 4 national best sellers, The Coldest Winter Ever (Fiction),  Midnight, A Gangster Love Story (Fiction), Midnight and The Meaning Of Love, (fiction) and NO DISRESPECT. In 2008 within one week of the release of Midnight, A Gangster Love Story, Sister Souljah became a New York Times Best Seller entering the charts at #7. In 2011 Souljah remains a full time author, wife of nineteen years, mother and world class traveler.

Many people attempt to silence, interrupt or alter Sister Souljah's powerful voice. An influential woman who has achieved so much yet remains down to earth, can be quite intimidating. Still she has been blessed to reach and touch those who are interested in adding to the good in the world, and not the evil.


  1. In reading the short biography on Sistah Souljah I have seen that she was a very strong and independent black woman. She fought for what she wanted and knew that she had to make a change in not just society but within her community. she has shown a great level of commitment to the rights of people by speaking out about the unjust and inequality brought about by racism and oppression. With all her determination and strength brought about i would like to know who or what kept her going? where did she get her support?

    1. As we read, you will uncover the answers to your questions. The key here as with Craig and Donte's posts is CHANGE. We can not be afraid to create change in our society!

  2. Sister Souljah definitely epitomizes what is both known as courage and bravery. The immense amount of effort she has put into bringing about change with her community as it pertains to racism and inequality shows how much she cares about those who are continually mistreated. The roles posted at the top of the passage portray the many ways she has attempted to end such acts of injustice.

    1. The key to what you have shared is change. In all the texts we have read, the writers (Malcolm X and Lorene Cary) were all change agents in their community. Even in Outliers, we see how change can be impacted by accepting or choosing to reject one's cultural legacy.

  3. As a huge FAN of Sister Souljah and ALL her works, especially this one, I feel as though this briefing above emphasizes Souljah's emblem of devotion and courage. She has deemed her life to speaking out to the urban community and educating black minds both on paper, through voice, and first hand. Her service to her people and knowledge acquired throughout her years is the backbone to her success. To truly gain insight and understand her role as not only a woman, but an African American Woman, her works must be read with the utmost understanding of the informative text above.

    1. You raised a wonderful point about the importance of the information provided within the background. Not having this foundation could skew one's reaction to the text, leaving him or her to feel as though the text is crass and obscene. Great point.

  4. From reading Sister Souljah's biography one can see her concern for the community and just how much she did when possible. Her time abroad just shows the impact she had in people's lives. Sister Souljah also traveled throughout Africa assisting to build medical centers which shows her passion towards her people. The short biography definitely helps me as the reader, knowing of her experiences and a little bit about her character. She is surely a blessing to many, but she is humble in all she does. If one knows where you are coming from it is much easier to understand.

    1. Concern, community and humility…the foundation of all great things.

  5. After reading Sister Souljah's bio I have come to appreciate her morals of commitment and courage. She is very dedicated to changing her community for the better. She is well known for her caring acts towards those that are victimized by racism and injustice. I see Sister Souljah as a significant African American woman whose achievements and integrity has considered her a noteworthy person today.

    1. As you read the text, you will see experience has shaped her into the woman she is today.

  6. Kwabena, Craig, Donte, Trona and Carmin, you all have set the bar for future posts. I am very impressed by the thoughts you have shared. Although this text has some racy elements, her candid portrayal of her experiences will definitely open readers to the duplicity in which we must live. I am very excited to see how you all respond to the text. As you continue to blog, feel free to respond to others; respectfully. When we begin to read the text, you will be required to do so while also sharing portions of the text you would like to discuss. TO MY FAB FIVE (just because you provided poignant initial responses LOL)…JOB WELL DONE!!!

  7. Afte reading sister Souljah's biography I found it inspirational due to her contributions as an activist especially the African youth survival camp

    1. Why is that inspiring? Do you feel the camp is needed for African youth? Explain. You must develop your responses.

  8. Souljah's biography talks about a young dedicated woman that strives to uplift the black race and in underdeveloped communities that had potential. seeing a woman so committed to what she believes in the thought that runs through my mind is what open up her heart to do what she has done and currently doing? Another question is did any of her family member play a major role in her uplifting program she developed? these questions puzzle me because for some to have a love to do what she has done and still is doing is a woman that i truly have respect for. on the topic of respect i am guessing that she encountered something in life where she was faced with people that never disrespected her.

  9. I have never heard of Sister Souljah, nevertheless after reading the short biography about Souljah and her accomplishment I realize that she was a woman who was dedicated to make positive changes in not only in her community but in others around the world. She was a activist that spoke out against racial injustice, and just like Trona stated I also wonder what was her drive?, or was it the case that she might have encounter some racial partisanship?
    Another factor that stood out in the biography about Souljah was that she fought against apartheid and help created the movement and fervor which liberate Nelson Mandela. As a black female what did she encounter? and how was she and her collages able to establish such a great movement in a country were blacks were not seen as equal and didn't have a voice?

  10. After reading sister Souljah's biography it shows that one can come from the bottom of life's ladder but with determination ; hard work and perseverance one is able to make it to the top .she is an inspiration to all people of all races ; She is a woman of great strength and character . From America to Africa and everywhere in between, she is able to draw people of various backgrounds to her cause.

  11. I never heard of Sister Souljah, but from reading this mini biography of her i can understand what a wonderful and inspirational women she is. she's a women that believes and strives to make all the possible changes she can not only in her community but around the world. Using what she has and what was given to spread to others shows such humanization, strength, and goodness. Souljah accomplished so much for herself and also used herself as a vessel for so many others around the world. as amanda and rona asked i wonder what was her motivation and what did she face as not only a person of color but a women?

  12. After reading sistah souljah's biography, i can see that she is a determined individual who has alot to offer to help her community, race and even globally. What really caught my attention is her work in harlem with the hip-hop and r&b concerts. She was a major in african studies and american studies, so her participation in this shows her ability to branch out of what she knows and get involved with other things.

  13. After reading Sister Souljah's biography I can see the determination her courage and bravery towards what see believes. She's also major participant in the livelihood of her race and community and even though I am not familiarized with her work I'm prepared to read and analyze her works.

  14. After reading Sistah Souljah's bio I have become very interested in reading this book after knowing nothing about her. This bio has caught my attention because of her determination to make changes all throughout the world. I believe she is a very inspirational African American after reading her biography andi hope to read more about her story in the text no disrespect.

  15. This short biography on Sister Souljah helped me to understand she is a trend-setter. Many names can be used to describe what type of individual she is. With dedication she was able to help individuals rise. Sister Souljah helped guide communities and worked globally to assure that humanitarianism will not be an issue. She built many institutions and created many programs that have powerful impacts on all . Being an African American with such eagerness and that is so self-motivated,she is phenomenal.

  16. After reading the biography on Sister Souljah I am impressed with her motor and her willingness to help those in need. I also commend Sister Souljah for her effort to educate the African-American youth not only on a hip hop radio show, but also on CNN and Oprah. Both of these famous networks are viewed daily across the global. i believe that Sister Souljah traveling the world actually made her a well rounded person and it gave it a lot of knowledge.

  17. Sister Souljha use her voice in this text. this book is very outspoken because it deals with lies, the truth, love and politics.Sister Souljah accomplished so much for herself and also used herself as a vessel for so many others around the world.

  18. As reading a brief summary of Sister Souljah biography she epitomizes both courage and determination. Shes an inspirational activist who believed In right from wrong and who fought for everything she believed in. This proves that if you put your mind set on a certain focus then you can achieve it. At a young age she didn’t like what American students were being taught because the school systems purposely left out the origin of Africans civilization. She gives back so much so that kids now may have a future and something that she didn’t have when she was little. Where kids now days take this for advantage and doesn’t understand the struggle and benefit that black activist like Sister Souljah did. Her being a community activist showed passion and how abroad she became on people’s live. Especially traveling to different countries and building Medical center in Mtepa, Tepa and assisted children from the Refugee. From that it built a sense of character and personality. Where Sankofa states to remember your origin and she clearly haven’t forgotten hers. Where her integrity is well known. Through her great works in being the executive director of Daddy’s House Program and Charitable Wing of Bad Boys she is considered a role model to most females because not all females are brave and have such confidence to stand up and achieve all of the things she overcome. Main thing that stands out is her Powerful voice as she speaks. She is one powerful intimidating African American Woman.

  19. After reading the biography of Sister Souljah i am impressed at what she was able to achieve as a African american. She also made it a priority to help out others that are in need of help to reach somewhere in life.she was the voice that many people need and many tried to break that. She never let that break her and she continued to pave a way for many. Spreading the good around and not evil.


  21. "The tongue is mightier than the sword." Sister Souljah has a powerful voice of inspiration. After reading her brief summary I am amazed at her courage and dedication in bettering communities. She is characterized as a humanitarian with a huge impact on many countries. She devoted an immense amount of her life to fight against the injustice acts around the world. Sister Souljah is a strong African American woman who's courage and integrity which optimizes what a strong willed person she is.

  22. After reading the biography on Sister Souljah one can see that she is a strong educated and independent African American woman. She also fought for what she believe in. After traveling the world helping others that face the injustices of equality, she decided to develop organization to help the people in her society to have a better education and a better life. And with this she inspired many other celebrities and famous people to form organization to give back to the community.

  23. After reading the biography on Sistah Souljah, I can conclude that she is a strong minded individual. Her bravery and consistency to make the necessary changes for her community is amazing. I would like to read more about her life story. Her journey is remarkable and stands out completely.

  24. After reading Sister Souljah’s bio, I see the best that humanity has to offer. Even after her travels abroad, and having to witnessing the cultural oppression worldwide, she was still able to come out with the best intentions in mind and of a proper goal to achieve it, which I find truly remarkable. Her actions come to show that one human being, not matter how insignificant they may seem in comparison with the rest of the planet, is still able to greatly impact the planet on a national scale. This I find to be truly wonderful and worth admiring, and so I look forward to reading of not only her struggles, but also the good things in her life, the things that stacked to her mind and that made the work worth it all.

  25. After reading Sister Souljah's biography, I've analyze that she was a powerful and influential individual who cared deeply about her roots. She persist in helping the community to grow beneficially while utilizing her leadership skills. Sister Souljah was a major inspiration to others which her wonderful works impacted the community.

  26. After reading the bio of Sister Souljah I realize the impact of what she did. Sister Souljah is a definition of a black woman who love and care for her race. She is the type of woman who no matter the situation give up. She is a fighter and her voice is very powerful in the black community. thank you Sister Souljah for your contribution to the black society.

  27. After reading the biography of sister souljah i could see how strong, dedicated, and willing she was to help her community grow. I like how she realized that in order for her to help her community grow she had to change and learn to love herself. I find this amazing because not many people can love themselves.

  28. after reading the the sypnosis of sista soulja it gives you a brief explanation of who she is. see is a dedicated person, who wanted to change the world. she wanted to be a leader for people that still was in a puddle. i like that fact that she had a camp for african america. she learned how to love herself and it turn she love everyone else. if one person leads the other one follows
