Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Nathan-Chapter 2

College is considered a "different world" for several reasons.  Although Nathan is referring to Woodson's text, Mis-Education of the Negro, when he tells Souljah, "It'll definitely open your eyes to whats going on in the world," this statement encompasses the experiences and exposure Souljah receives during her tenure at an institution of higher learning.  Having read chapter 2 of No Disrespect, discuss the underlying theme, as you have interpreted it, with evidence from the text.  
Remember you must respond to a peer's post to receive full credit.  Challenge each other's views.  Question each other's perspective.  Push each other to think deeply about the issues and concerns being raised.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mother-Chapter 1

Agatha Christie said, “A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." In what ways does this quote relate to the relationship Sister Souljah has with her mother?  How would you describe their relationship? What do you believe is the most important lesson Souljah learns from her mother? How do you believe Souljah is impacted by this relationship (the negative aspect and/or the positive aspects)? Remeber, your discussion  must be supported by  specific details from the text.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Note to My Readers--Reaction Response

In her text, No Disrespect, Sister Souljah seeks to dispel the generational root of confusion among minorities.  She believes, “it is a mentality that functions with or without permission, on both a conscious and subconscious level,” and since we fail to discuss the problem, it becomes “a problem rooted in a forbidden topic” (Souljah, xi).   Thus, the text is a candid and realistic retelling of Souljah’s life experiences at a time synonymous with our young people.  She offers a collage of mistakes, scars and smiles in hopes young people will gain an understanding of love and life and they will have a chance to save themselves the pain of ignorance.  It is a work of non-fiction that lets “parents see the real lives that their children must prepare for” (Souljah, xv).

After listening to her "Note" at the opening of the text, provide a reaction to some of the ideas she presents.  Be sure to proofread your response and do not forget to respond to a post from one of your peers.  Great job today in class! Ms. T