Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mother-Chapter 1

Agatha Christie said, “A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." In what ways does this quote relate to the relationship Sister Souljah has with her mother?  How would you describe their relationship? What do you believe is the most important lesson Souljah learns from her mother? How do you believe Souljah is impacted by this relationship (the negative aspect and/or the positive aspects)? Remeber, your discussion  must be supported by  specific details from the text.  


  1. This quote relates to the relationship the sister souljah had with her mother because her mother served as her form of protection. She saw how the many men can into their lives and leave just like that, but she knew that no matter what her mom would be there with her. Sister souljah though at a point she felt lien her mother was letting her down because of her lifestyle she still thought that her mother was a beautiful woman', one the deserved love, someone to care for her and someone to protect her. She knew better than to ever settle for anything less in life. She did want love but she wanted It in the right way, she didn't want to live the life that her mother did and didn't want to make the same mistakes that her mom made. Prostitution, hurt, poverty and hopelessness were things that she wanted to avoid in her life. One or the most important lesson I believe that she learns from her mother is that no matter what in life all men want the same thing, everyone wants to gain but no one wants to give anything in return. She took it upon herself to make her future look bright , she didn't want to continue living in the projects, walking through the ghetto or did she want poverty to be something that dictates her future. Sister souljah is a strong individual who knew what she wanted and learned what life was like but seeing what was around her, by knowing that she should not trust anyone not because of fear but because of the fact that those who Niven seem like the care about you can always turn their backs on you.

    1. Go you think she was exposed to the harsh realities of life too early? Where is your text based evidence?

    2. I do think she was exposed to the harsh realities of life at a young age but I think it was a good think. I say this because she knew what was right from wrong and though the only person that she looked up too in life seem lost souljah tried to help her mom. she also brought up a part on racism where she say " The whites rule and the blacks are the ruled no matter where you do mommy ! don't tell me you think this asshole loves you because he doesn't. I can guarantee you that! because they don't love, Mommy. They conquer and they possess. And I know these people, Mommy. I deal with them every day. They want it all. They want everything. They want it all They want total control. Control over your mind, your money, your body, your spirit, and eventually your soul!" souljah felt like her mom was giving up and just letting go of everything. A woman who was once strong was now vulnerable, she now lived her life like every other woman out there in the projects because she thought that all men were the same

  2. The relationship between Sister Souljah and her mother was a very important piece of her life. She describes her mother to be the one who was always there to protect, provide and teach her some of the things that is apart of her life today. In chapter one Sister explains to us what her mother went through and the things she accepted in her life in order for her family to survive. Even with her mistakes she was determined to teach her kids the rules of life and even at a disadvantage, she made it possible for them to be at an advantage. Sister knew that her mother was falling short and was very confused at a certain period in her life, she was willing to put aside her mother's faults and accept the hard work that she did. The relationship between Sister and her mother had some positive effects but it also had negatives. I think that most of it was negative because to see and witness my mother having men come and go like airplanes would of had an effect on what I think and do. This also shows how mentally strong and determined Sister Souljah is, she was able to compete and win against the adversities the projects and the world threw at her. Waiting on no one she went out and did what she had to do to show how a single parent ghetto girl can become successful based on the inspiring words of her mother.

    1. I agree with this because Sister's relationship with her mother caused her to be the strong individual that she is today. Her mother thought her a lot of strong morals and she understood that being strong was all that really mattered for survival in the projects. I believe that Souljah was hurt and disappointed when she saw what her mother was doing but she understood.

  3. This quote relates to the relationship of Sister Souljah and her mother because she visioned her mother as the queen of her world. Nothing could come between the amount of love she had for her mother. "She is the only one a child can depend on for survival and to interpret life." "Even for the children who grow to hate their mothers, their hatred will be the strongest love they know." What Souljah states is absolutely correct. When they first moved into the projects, their relationship was great. She saw her mother as a protector and guide in life. Towards the end of the chapter she began to realize that her mother was changing into a brand new person. "I thanked God for allowing me to know her before the world took her because some kids didn't get seventeen good years with their mothers. But I had to come to believe that the woman walking around the house posing as my mother was not my mother. She was America's creation and that did not belong to me." I believe that the most important lesson Souljah learned from her mother was to never use drugs because it killed the mind and spirit and destroyed the body. I think the impact of her relationship with her mother is a tremendous one. Having her mother tell her what not to do and then seeing her mother turn around and do it only made her more determined to make a better life for herself.

    1. Danielle, we spoke about some of the same things. I agree with you. One thing this chapter highlights is Sister Souljah's transitional attitude towards her mother from the beginning of the chapter to the end. Also, the change in her mother's attitude as well. But more specifically, the love she holds for her mother and all that she has learned from just watching the person her mother was becoming. Like you said, the impact of their relationship is a tremendous one that impacted her life greatly.

  4. This chapter entitled, “Mother,” conveys such a strong and relatable message, especially throughout the African American community, specifically because it discusses the role and relationship that a mother figure plays in every one of our lives. The quote said by Agatha Christie relates to Sister Souljah and her relationship with her mother as Sister Souljah too states, a mother will be “the most important and influential person in your childhood… Even for those who grow to hate their mothers, their hatred will be the strongest love they know.” This statement did not fall short of her attitudes and beliefs toward her own mother. Sister Souljah idolized her mother. In a world of brutality and hardship, her mother stood as her role model, confidence, and strength. She lived by this instinct for years of her life until reoccurring situations only began to prove that her mother’s actions differed from all that she had once taught her. Yet, Sister Souljah does not blame her mother. Instead, she acknowledges that it was broken relationships, money struggles, the attitude that comes from surviving in the projects, having lost love, and so many other tough circumstances that have caused her to become this “American creation” that she had turned into. Still, she thanks God for having her mother. You can almost feel the loss that Sister Souljah encounters towards her mother, but she does not grieve. This in turn teachers her how to be mentally strong and determined, one can say, to become everything her mother wasn’t.

    1. I agree with what you stated. The love she had for her mother was extremely powerful. Even though she began to lose the mother she had once known, that didn't change the fact that she gave her life and that she loved her mother.

  5. As my classmates mentioned before me, the quote by Agatha Christie shows the values that Sister Souljahs mother taught her as they transitioned from their wealthy life to the projects. She has loved and lost and so had ended up in a dangerous situation where nothing was certain, but that doesn't prevent her from raising her children as best as she could so that they didn't end up like her. This creates a close bond with her mother since she was her role model for which she would strive to greatness for with the aid of her guiance. But as she later came to learn, " I saw the difference between what adults said and what they did." It may have been one of the most important realization she witnessed with her mother, and it may seem hypocritical but what more could we expect. Her mother didn't want to change but was forced due to the circumstances that left her in poverty. Her change was in a way positive since it showed Souljah the reality of her world, it can be cruel and ruined the greatest thing you cherish in life, but you need to learn to understand them, and in doing so allows you to have a greater understanding of how you plan to live your life, whether it be with the ideals of the situation at hand or the ideals that you've come to accept as the truth.

    1. I agree with what you stated about Sister Souljah's relationship with her mother and how it impacted her in a positive aspect. She had to experience the real world and its harshness at an early age. This caused her to evolve into a adult at a young age and forced her to conduct rational decisions. However, in doing so she will be more prepared for the future and its ventures.

  6. "A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law,no pitty. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path". This quote relates to the relationship that Sister Souljah had with her mother. After being placed in the projects , her mother was still very strong and determined . The environment was dangerous and survival was rare but Souljah's mother thought them to be strong . Sister Souljah looked up to her mother as a role model because after her father left the family, her mother decided to take them into the projects and fight to survive. 'MEN'; Sister Souljah saw men as 'Rentals'. She called them rentals because "like rent-a-cars they were temporary, expensive to keep, and likely to break down anytime , anywhere".In the projects the women did anything to survive without considering the lives of their children but her mother was different , or at least she was. Sister's mother had became someone she didn't want to know. Her mother had men coming and going and this triggered sister's egarness to succeed. Her mother was the strongest person she knew and to see her in that situation, thought sister that the world can quickly change you if you let your guard down.

  7. I think you have a food reaction but from reading I feel as though you may have summarized more than reacted to what you read. Stating more of your thoughts would of made it a great reaction.

  8. The bond Souljah and her mother shared is complicated to explain; life was once ideal but soon fell to shambles. Living in the projects for a substantial amount of time led to the plight of Souljah’s mother. She began to accept her situation, before long following her neighbors. Souljah learned the things a woman should do early in life but also everything not to do later in life from the experiences of her mother. Souljah’s mother had a child out of wedlock from a man who just wanted sex, and then he left. As a child this could be cloudy because of the television family shows. The important thing Souljah learned from this experience and witnessing many others is that men ain’t shit. Many women felt this way so they taught their kids this consciously or subconsciously. Souljah interpreted her mother’s tears and silence of the situation in the worst way. She believed her mother was at no fault and obviously the men were to blame. This was consistent throughout the women in the projects, yet they never felt the need to change.

    Extra Thoughts

    “The fact is, with every friendship you make, and every bond of trust you establish, you are shaping the image of America projected to the rest of the world.” – Michelle Obama

    I believe the quote above by Michelle Obama explains exactly what Sister Souljah learned from her mother. Souljah was very observant, noticing several patterns in her community, or the “the projects”, such as single mothers and men for rent per se. The tainted image of the ghetto made it difficult for anybody who had dreams of making it out of the neighborhood. Many people were content, however those who were not were considered stuck up. Sister Souljah’s mother was one of the stuck up women who didn’t get along with the bunch. Other women shared men, showing little hope or dignity. These women disrespected themselves because they lost all self-worth, which allowed the men to take advantage of them in their quandary.

    1. I enjoyed how utilized outside information such as the Michell Obama quote to further interpret the mother daughter relationship that existed between Sister Souljah and her mother. That's was pretty clever. Also, I appreciate how you developed an image of the projects through your explanation which allowed you to elaborate more of how that affected them.

    2. As what Donte said, with your outside information it enabled you to develop a an image that supported your explanation. Michelle Obama is also considered a strong, determined woman, so by you introducing her you compared them both. I am intrigued with the way you supported and elaborated your explanation.

    3. @ craig you said that she thought her mom was not to blame and that men blame should be pinned on the men. why do you think that the blame should be on the men ? And if she knew that all men were the same and wanted the same things why did she continue to put herself in those situations ?

    4. @Trona

      The blame should not be placed on the men, but most of the time it is. As you read in the first paragraph of chapter one, "In the projects, somebody can call your mother a one-legged whore who does nasty tricks for men for five dollars and she will still be the most important and influential person in your childhood." This shows the love and forgiveness you will always have for your mother no matter what she does or is thought of her. Continuing with the next question, I believe she was chasing the family she once had. However, it was unattainable.

  9. This quote relates to the mother-daughter relationship because Sister Soujah's mother acted as her eternal guardian to some extent. Regardless of the circumstances they faced such as Sister Souljah not having a true father figure, her mother was always by her side trying to both provide comfort and alleviate some of the struggles of her life.The relationship between Sister Soujah and her mother was somewhat inspirational because all that time, Sister Souljah held her mother to high standards as if she was a woman of royalty or at least deserved to be such. The most important thing she learns from her mother are the mistakes she has made throughout her life and how to evade them and if not avoided, how to overcome them. Sister Souljah's relationship with her mother impacted her to the extent that she has grasped an understanding of where she doesn't want to be in life and to some extent the path she wishes to venture down. As she states in chapter 1, "She is the only one a child can depend on for survival and to interpret life.", this only scratches the surface of what she felt her mother has done for her and how she has benefited from it.

    1. I agree with you. The most important thing she learn was from her mother mistakes. She didn't want to be in the same place as her mother and also her mother didn't want her to experiences the things that she did. She understand where her mother was coming from and she understand what she must do to not be in the same situation as her mother.

    2. I absolutely agree with Donte's response, the fact that our opinions are so similar but different shows the complexity of the memoir. Donte spoke of the mother as someone who should be a great leader, yet Souljah still depended on herself. Her interpretation of life changed over the years but nevertheless her mother was her eternal guardian.

    3. I agree with Donte because as seen in this chapter Souljah shows how she learned from her mother's experiences and how they caused her to mature at a young age and make conscious decisions.

    4. I Agree with donte because he idolized the entire meaning of the chapter that Sister Soujah took what her mother told her and made a great effort to learn from her past mistakes and make change within her own life , she did not what to go through what her mother went through which also give her the mindset to be a leader and not a follower.

  10. This quote relates to the relationship of Sister Souljah and her mother because she viewed her mother as a queen, she idolizes her mother. Sister Souljah describes her mother as the one who has always been there to protect, provide and teach her some of the things that is apart of her life today. After their transition from a wealthy life to the projects, Sister Souljah's mother remained the strong, determined woman she is. Despite the dangerous environment they resided, her mother showed great characteristics that portrays her as a great role model.

    Sister Souljah viewed men as "Rentals", meaning that "MEN" were temporary. Men were going to be present for a certain amount time then they would leave. So with the absence of her father Sister Souljah had to rely on her mother even more. A very strong dependent bond was created between Sister Souljah and her mother.

    Around the end of the chapter, Sister Souljah saw her mother transforming into a brand new person. Instead of blaming her mother for losing herself, she acknowledges the causes; finical struggles, damaged relationships, the lost of a loved one, living in the projects, and many other adversities she encountered. Sister Souljah stated, "I thanked God for allowing me to know her before the world took her because some kids didn't get seventeen good years with their mothers. But I had to come to believe that the woman walking around the house posing as my mother was not my mother. She was America's creation and that did not belong to me." Sister Souljah felt like she lost her mother, her role model her backbone. In stead of grieving over her mother she used it as a life experience that she can build upon. I believe that was the most important lesson she learned, to remain mentally strong and determined.

    1. I agree with what you showed about how Sister Souljah's relationship with her mother and how it impacted her in a positive way but still included the negative aspects to support. She had to experience the reality by viewing what her mother went through and its effects that came from it. This made her really look into a long term change that will make her positively go through her life and make smart decisions.

    2. I enjoyed how you explained Souljahs life through the experiences of her mother and what she went through in various relationships. But I feel that we should also mention the mens side of being black in white Americ, her father no longer could support his family because of his condition which shatter his ideology of what a good husband and father should be, the main supporter. Big Joe is another good example, he was a cop who was trying to get them out of the ghetto into a better life, but because he was laid off for an incident he was clear of, he became a "tyrant" as Souljah described him because the same system he served, abandoned him. Both examples show that not only black women were effected by the society, but also black man who were attempting a better life for themselves and their family.

  11. The way in which this quote relates to Sister Souljah’s relationship with her mother is very evident as it relates to the theme of Pregnancy. Her mother was blind to the destruction and influences that she left in her daughter’s life after not practicing what she preached. Her mother was basically being consumed by society, turning a blind eye to simple things that her daughter should do but its ok for her son. These occurrences did not have a drastic impact on the mother daughter relationship, but it made souljah start to question the integrity of her mother’s chain of thoughts. Souljah was a woman that was grounded in the lord as she went to church frequently up until the move to New Jersey. She was very respectful to her mother using her conscience, meaning she never had any form of grudges or envy towards her mother. If they hadn’t had the relationship they had Souljah might have been consumed just like her mother, aunt, cousin, and even girls in the neighborhood.
    As a result of the relationship, the point that I pulled out was to have a mind for yourself even though you grow up to know that parents are always right even though that’s not true. So have to start developing your own thinking habits like Tyrone said. The men that passed through souljahs life makes her mom seem like a “Whore” but as a reader I had to read between the lines. This all goes to say that negativity can have a positive impact even though many souls might be lost along the way.a quote that supports my response keep in mind the incident at Ronnie’s house. “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing”. By Theodore Roosevelt

  12. This quote relates to chapter one of Sister Soulja's No Disrespect because it shows the love between a mother and daughter. Soulja loved her mother as much as her mother loved her. She did everything her mother asked her to do because of the love. When they first moved to the projects Souljah saw the pride of her mother. She did not behave like the others in the projects. Through all those struggles, Souljah's mother still had an unconditional love for her children and Souljah also has the same love for her mother. But things changed quickly when her mother began seeing men and doing similar things as the people who lived in the projects. Like Souljah stated on page forty one of chapter one "I continued to love my mother, but the lost of respect would alter the nature of our connection, our relationship, our spiritual bond." After all the negative things her mother did, Souljah continued to love her mother. And her mother did all those negative things to provide for her family. She needed food, shelter and clothes for her children. She lived a life opposite of what she preached. In her mother's eyes she was doing something for her family even though it was negative. Keep in mind the incident that gapped at Ronnie's house and what her mother said to her when she returned home. Her mother's mind was corrupted by the environment she lived in and her lifestyle was that of a prostitute. Through all these things Souljah never stopped loving her mother and her mother never stopped loving her.

    1. her mother always said that getting pregnant would destroy Sistah Soulja's life. do you believe that her mother regrets having kids early?

    2. @Osaki I believe Souljah's mother told her that getting pregnant would destroy Souljah's life because she did want her daughter to live the same life style she is living because knows their potential even though she has felled in the American lifestyle of being "black, penniless,structureless and culturally restricted" with four children with no father figure around as support. She failed her children with the lifestyle she had choose, however she didn't want them to lead by her example and end up also failing. themselves

  13. As Sister Souljah grew up she took on many responsibilities of her mother. For example she took care of her sister when her mother worked night shifts. she was continuously embarrassed whenever she went food shopping because she was given food stamps instead of money. Sister Souljah and her mother's relationship was as if they saw eye to eye. although she was never disrespectful, when ever she didn't agree with her mother's rules she told her mother. Sister Souljah was able to see all of her mothers mistakes,with men and drug abuse, and was able to say it was wrong. She knew that if she was not wanting to get pregnant she should have not interest with a boy and she also knew not to show to much skin to attract a males eyes.

  14. This quote relates to there relationship because no matter what they been through her mother was always there as a single parent who's been through it all and lived through the stereotypes of being a single mother. No matter what through out the chapter there was always that mother daughter love that one seeks.The relationship between Sistah Souljah and her mother was very important. She looked up to her mom for everything and respected her as her protector and provider. They have a really tight bond and no matter what may happen from men coming in and out of there lives, to life lessons taught that her mother never lived up to, that will always be her mother. She is impacted by this relationship because she learns what to do and what not to do from her mothers experiences. She has a strong mind of her own to think and notice what her mom does that is wrong she must not do and live her own life the way she was taught to live it and not change because she seen her mother is not living up to what she has taught. This is very difficult for teenagers to do especially us African Americans now a days. When our parents tell us not to do something but the parents end up doing it anyways we end up believing that since they are doing it its okay for us to do it now. No not Sistah Souljah because of her strong mind of her own she did not let that affect her and she remained brilliant and independent throughout her life so far described in this text.

  15. The quote relates to the relationship between sister souljah and her mother because her mother was very protective and taught her important lessons that still are used by her today. Sister souljah loved her mother very much and respected the rules that she gave her. "Even for those who grow to hate their mothers, their hatred will be the strongest love they know." Later in chapter 1 her attitude towards her mother changed but even though she felt a little hatred towards her mother was she still loved her. The most important lesson that her mother taught her was that all men were the same. They all wanted to take the same thing from her and give her nothing in return. She believed this because she described the men as rental cars. They are expensive to keep and unreliable. since her mother and father divorced and her father changed from loving to being strict. She used this lesson through out her life.

    1. @isaiah i agree with you necause certain relationship between mothers and daughters/son may result in hatred but at the end of the day the love is never broken it is just hidden i agree with point being stated

  16. This quote relates to Sister Souljah and her mother relationship because her mother did everything for the safety and the survival of her children and for that sister souljah looked up to her mother as the rock her the family. Sister Souljah mother taught her everything she needed to know to survive in the projects while they was living there after her mother had divorced her father. Sister Souljah mother didn't want her to be making the same mistake that she made so she taught her the things that she needed for the real world. Sister Souljah didn't really had a father figure in her life so she viewed all the other men that came into her mother life as rental because they was never there to stay, they was just temporary. She couldn't count none of them to teach her what she needed to know so she had to rely on her mother, Everything her mother taught her for example, don't do drugs, don't get pregnant and try to make something of her self she did. Sister Souljah relationship with her mother had impacted her to the magnitude that she understand the things her mother been through and she don't want her to go through the same. This impact her mother had on her was both positive and negative because her mother taught her things she learn from experiences and Sister Souljah was also there to witness some those things for herself which score her.

  17. This quote can be related to the relationship that Sister Souljah has with her mother, because a mother "is the only one a child can depend on for survival an to interpret life" (pg 3). Souljah's mother sacrifice her body to heartless men that circumstances had destroyed, in order to care for her children even though they themselves could understand it .Soujah relationship with her was on the verge of destruction because didn't understand the lifestyle her mother had choosen. She began to see her mother "not as the perfect angel that guarded me from danger and provided me with...Instead I saw her a young and confused woman with many imperfections who married young." (pg 40) Her hatred for her mothers whoring ways was the greatest love she will ever know, because her mother's actions helped her to survive in the projects, be a mature strong black women and how to maneuver and handle herself when she face difficulty. I believe Souljah's relationship with her mother was both positive an negative impact on Souljah. One negative impact was that "Like many adults,she wanted her children to as she said and not as she did" (40), her mother did not understand the power her example and what a great impact it would have on children. This made her cold, in her mind and heart her "friends" were only temporary acquaintances and in addition, made her decide no to be bothered with the pain of male-female relationships. However there was one positive impact on Souljah's life with her relationship with her mother, she was not passive or content because her mother had not hidden her from the realities of life.This made her not only gain self-love, but also control over her own life. Learning the difference between being in control and being controlled, through her mother's relationship with multiple men made Souljah feel the need to be in charge of her direction as opposed to simply reacting to whatever everyone else said and did and planned for her.

    1. I agree with you amanda especially with all that sister souljah has learned from her mothers faults. she didnt follow in her mothers steps but made some of her own keeping in mind all the rights her mom once taught her. souljah stayed true to herself and her beliefs even when her mother the women taught them to her was going aganist them.

  18. The quote relates to the relationship between Sister Souljah and her mother in a way that shows how Souljah loved her mother and looked at her mother's experiences for guidance. I would describe their relationship as a kind of indirect protective relationship.By this I mean though their were only two rules which were don't get pregnant and don't do anything you don't want to looking at her mother's relationships protected her from going through those same When she says, "my mother had always painted pregnancy as the end of the would got every woman and had even said that it was the reason why her own life had been ruined." This shows that remembering what her mother told her and witnessing what her mother went through helped her make a conscious decision to leave. I believe that the most important thing Sister Souljah learned from her mother was to get educated. I believe that this relationship had a positive impact on her because she learned to educate herself and not make the same mistakes

  19. The quote above provides a synoptic of the relationship Souljah and her mother went to.As reading the chapter knowing that her mother was a single mother who been through so much but strong and happy. Although, she have seen men walk in and walk out their life the relationship between the two is so ordinary. Her mother was her protector, love and provider. Whereas, she looks up to her mother as a role model or mentor cause that is her inspiration to be a strong woman like her. Their bond is the same way as a sister bond where they are inseparable this chapter is specifically about a mother n her daughter .In a world of brutality and hardship, her mother stood as her confidence, and strength. From a readers response I can relate to this because teenagers all go through the same stage where we can say we hate our parents but in reality we love them to death but our parents being so strict on us is the way of certain parents showing love because they want you to succeed or go to a higher stage that they never been able to do better than they did in your age group). In addition, she has grown up to be on her own and starts to reflect about what she wants to do in life and what shes cable of doing. Her mother didn't want to change but due to poverty she had to under the circumstances she lied in but then Sister souljah realizes that one change can change the whole lifestyle but you only can review your good and bad through that one experience.

  20. This quote relates to the relationship that sister souljah and her mother contain. Her mother played a big part in her life. She counted on her mother for everything because this is the only mother she has and will ever have. Her mother was the one who would make her feel secured, protected and loved. Sister souljah's mother was the one who taught her the realities of life. In chapter 1, we begin to discover that sister souljah talks about the struggles and pain her mom went through, trying to make ends meet to support their family. Due to the mistakes that Sister souljah's mother made when she was young, she needed betterment for her daughter. I believe every mother on this earth has made mistakes in their younger days. However, some mothers choose to tell their daughters about their past simply because they would not like their daughters to make the same decisions that they made mean while some mothers choose not to tell their daughters about the decisions that they made this is because they figure that their daughters will criticize their behavior or the mothers would like their daughters to make their own decisions and hope they don’t make mistakes they did. I believe in order for us young ladies to grow we have to learn from our mistakes but we would consider what our mothers have to say. Sister souljah loved her mother even though she made mistakes and appreciated her for her for the hard work she did to rise her into a young lady.

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  22. What is the ideal relationship between a mother and thier child? and does the relationship changes because of their surroundings. Sister Souljah relationship with her mother is one that many people including myself could relate to. In chapter 1 you can see how Souljah mother was an dependent woman but that did not stop her from trying to teach her kids right from wrong.Since Souljah's father wasnt present she relied on her on her mother for that love and support that she wasnt getting from her father. I relate this part of the chapter to my own life because I lost my father at an early age, when I say that lost it do not mean that he's dead but what I mean is that he leave me and my mother to survive on our own while he move on and start a next family because of his actions my mother is my hero I respect and values the time that we spend together because I love her unconditionally. Just like Souljah I did not have a father figure and if i did they were all just "rental" here today and gone tomorrow.
    This quote relates to the relationship that Sister Souljah had with her mother because her mother was everything to her and nothing could have come between that.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. i agree with the this quote and it also relates to me because i konow my mother loves me dearly and nothing could come between that even if she overdue it. Sista soulja soulja talks about how her love affectd her she talks about the welfarend going to church most importantly she talked about her father being absent. she says that even though her father was absent her mother wouldnt do what other mothers were doing. pardon my language but she says how other mothers where giving up there pussy's with the same guy and they would rant on about it to eachother. but here mother loved her kids and herself and she had to much pride to that. even though later assolja and her mother have minor disvrepency's with eachother there bond was never broken.

  25. This quote relates to the relationship Sister Souljah has with her mother because they had an unbreakable bond between them. Her mother did what she had to do to keep her children safe and secure. However, migrating from a wealthy life to the projects introduced several threatening experiences, but it didn't hinder their mother from teaching them knowledge, to be strong, and not to end up like her. I see Sister Souljah's relationship between her and her mother corrupting. She looked up to her mother as a strong women, but she disappointed her by letting men impede on there family. She started to see her mother a hypocrite, because everything her mother was telling her not to be she was becoming she was. Sister Souljah said, "She warned me that marriage never works. Yet when I would wear a button-down blouse she would tell me to unfasten the top three buttons." I believe the most important lesson Souljah learned from her mother is to distrust a man. "She cautioned me against wasting too much time on these men who are all the same," because so many came into her life and broke her heart. Nevertheless, I believe that through these experiences that it has a positive aspect on Sister Souljah. It gave her an experience of how brutal the real world is.

  26. This quote relates to the relationship between Sister Soujah and her mother because they both have unconditional love for each other, her mother loves her children and would protect make sure their safe and their survival, she loves her mother the same way her mother love she and did everything in her will to make sure she's happy not because they had to relocate from New Jersey but to let her know she loved her dearly,although the situation was harsh for their family her mother still showed love and showed her that she was capable enough manage their family with them relocating to the projects. Sister Soujah didn't realize what her mother was trying to do she was trying to keep her away from all the bad influences and the lifestyle in which the people lived in the project but sister Soujah didn't see it that way because her mother allowed her son to do things she wasn't allowing her to do , she didn't realized that when society judges you they placed a stain that last you the rest of your life but sister Soujah say it in a negative way until the incident that happen at Ronnie's house ,knowing that Sis Soujah was a very humble person her mother had it in conern to break every chain that of the new society habit that she may have consumed .As a result their relationship was threatened she thought she was being controlled and told how she should live her life But throughout all the struggles, misunderstanding and trails they both went through Sis Soujah never stopped loving her mother and neither did her mother stop loving ,even though she didn't realized what her mother was doing before the incident occured.

    1. i agree with Aimee because every mother wants good for their daughter and and that even though sister souljah's mother faced challenges and made mistakes in her life and that she loved her daughter she taught her life lessons because she wanted her to be better than she was .

  27. I really really enjoyed and found the first chapter entitled "mother" very intriguing. sister souljah went from having a two parent household to a single mother who began to pick up habits of the world before her eyes. I found it really interesting how her mother began to contradict what she once taught her children. Issues that her mother was strict about and teaching that she instilled into her children she began to become lenient towards. Im really happy that souljah stayed true to what her mother once taught also staying in tune with God. I felt for souljah as she basically began to lose an important care giver to the america and the world. This chapter is like a preview to how real and great this book is. like when sister souljah spoke on coming home to find her mom and younger sister physically fighting over weed. this chapter showed me how dramatically things can change even with people you least expect it from like your loved ones especially your mother.

  28. Ways that this quote by Agatha Christie relates to Souljah and her mother is that from the beginning of the story, Sister Souljah describes how her mother raises her three kids. Their mother independently took them in all by herself after divorcing her diseased husband. She taught them all to look after each other and protect one another. Despite Tyrone's existence in their lives, she still had sympathy for her children and how they were treated.
    I personally would describe their relationship as close and unified. I say this because her mother will forever be a part of her life and Souljah herself always prays for her mother because she is a role model in her eyes.
    The significant message that Souljah learns from her experience from her mother is that being a product of your environment can definitely change you. After seeing what her mother went through while transitioning to the projects, she now knows what the outcome could be like if you let your surroundings take advantage of you.
    So far I believe Souljah is impacted positively mainly by this relationship with her mother. Reason being that she can learn from her mother's mistake and live her life doing the right thing opposite from whatever her mother struggled on. A long term effect can occur from this relationship that can structure Souljah's future.
